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Speaker Sessions

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Am I Doing Enough?

Homeschool Conference Session

 'Am I doing enough?' the question is prevalent among homeschooling parents. The feeling of pressure and comparison is common. But remember, homeschooling is a personalized approach that allows for a tailored education to fit the needs of your unique family. Come explore this common question and let's settle things once and for all. 


Commitments for the Homeschool Family: The Power of Yes and No

Homeschool Conference Session

Curriculum choices, kids’ activities, doctor's appointments, sports and music. The pressure we feel as homeschoolers to make sure our children have a good upbringing and are academically successful can be exhausting.


Do you have a hard time saying no? Do you feel like you’re missing out or letting others down?  Your commitments, priorities, and family rhythms are important, as are your ability to say yes and no. 


Homeschooling with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers

Homeschool Conference Session

Homeschooling isn’t for the faint of heart, and when you have babies, toddlers, and preschoolers running around, it can make it even harder.


There is a way to have a lifegiving and functional homeschool, while you are raising littles. Maybe the secret is right in front of you, and those sticky hands and little toes are all a part of it.


Join me as we dive into how we must adapt our homeschools to the seasons we are in as a family. We will also talk about practical tips and tricks while homeschooling with babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. 

Reading a Book

Let’s Talk Education, Homeschooling and History

Homeschool Conference Session 

Many of us look at the public, separate, or catholic school systems and wonder how it compares to homeschooling?


If you were educated within a school system, it's natural to question and perhaps be concerned about whether homeschooling provides an adequate alternative. 


Let's explore the history of education and the school system. What exactly is education? How does understanding this influence our decision to homeschool?

Reading a Book
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