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Meet Maryse

Hello and Welcome! 

I'm excited you are here!

My name is Maryse, I am the founder of For The Mom Ministry. 


I am a passionate follower of Jesus. If it were not for his love, his grace and kindness, I would not be who I am today. All glory to Him. 


I am a wife, mother, registered nurse, and homeschooling mom to five kids. 


My faith in the Lord has been the anchor through every season of my life. It is my love for Him that fuels my passion for speaking and was the reason I started podcasting. 


In this culture it is normal to have a large social media presence and to be actively online when you are a speaker. You may be wondering why I don't have a business Instagram or a Pinterest board, and that is because at the heart of it all, I seek to inspire and encourage others in an intentional and personal way. 


The woman you hear on For The Mom podcast or see speaking on stage, is the same woman you will meet face to face at conferences or at a church.


I have real struggles, a crazy, loud, love filled home, and am often just trying to get supper on the table at the end of the day. 


 I seek to lead others to the one who holds all things together. I live authentically and find great joy in sharing the redemption and freedom that is found in Christ, which affects every area of homeschooling, family, marriage, and raising kids. I pray you will be encouraged and I look forward to meeting you in person. 


Speaking Engagements

Sixteen years ago my journey to speaking began when I was asked to return and speak at my high school chapel. With great nerves and anticipation I prayed and prepared a message I felt would encourage the students.


Little did I know that the Lord would light a fire in me and call me to be obedient when he asked me to speak. He continued to open doors in the years ahead for opportunities to share, most recently starting For The Mom Ministry Podcast.  


Since 2009 I have had the pleasure and opportunity to speak at high school graduations, youth groups and church events, at the Alberta Pregnancy Care Center Gala as a guest speaker, at Mount Royal University, Women's conferences, and in my home church helping with spoken words and ministry opportunities. 


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